Otter Tail Corporation Human Rights Policy 

Otter Tail Corporation and its subsidiary operating companies (collectively and individually “Otter Tail Corporation”) are dedicated to operating in a responsible and ethical manner. This Human Rights Policy is intended to guide our employees, directors, officers, and those with whom we work in matters related to human rights.

We are committed to honoring and protecting the rights of our employees while working with our suppliers to encourage healthy, safe, and respectful workplaces. Similarly, our commitment extends to our communities to support their efforts to respect human rights. We respect the principles described in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. Our responsibility for protecting human rights lies in four distinct areas: our own employees, our supply chain, our communities, and our commitment to transparency.

We work diligently to ensure that our employees are treated equally and with respect and dignity. Our Human Rights Policy prohibits any form of forced labor, harassment (physical or emotional) or discrimination. Otter Tail Corporation complies with all child labor laws and does not employ prison laborers. We are committed to the protection of employee’s freedom of expression and freedom of organization and assembly. More information on our commitments to employees and ethical business conduct can be found in our Code of Business Ethics.

In addition, our employees have a right and a responsibility to create a safe and healthy workplace. Otter Tail Corporation has extensive practices and systems to protect the health and safety of our employees. Our approach and commitments to health and safety are described in our Occupational Health and Safety Policy along with each of our companies’ safety policies.

Our commitment for human rights in the supply chain includes the deterrence of child labor, forced labor and human trafficking. It also includes the expectations that all suppliers will adhere strictly to the laws and regulations that protect human rights in their operating region. We expect our suppliers to respect the principles described in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

We affirm our commitment to human rights as outlined by T.O. Plastic’s parent company in the Otter Tail Corporation Human Rights Policy including the encouragement of healthy, safe, and respectful workplaces in our communities, with our employees, and within our supply chain. Where feasible, we seek affirmations of our suppliers’ commitment to our Code of Business Ethics and this Human Rights Policy. Our goal is to make our commitments clear to direct suppliers so that they, in turn, can promote the protection of human rights with their choice of suppliers. We do this by sharing our commitments and expectations with our suppliers.

Many of the most serious challenges for human rights protection lie deeper in our supply chain where transparency is limited. We believe that it is primarily the responsibility of governments to protect the rights of their citizens. However, we also recognize that we may need to work with governments, civil society organizations and other companies as appropriate to promote ethical labor practices.

Human rights protection does not start and stop at the doors to our offices. Working with our communities is an inherent part of our culture and allows us to better understand challenges we all face. Our engagement with communities focuses on improving the communities where we work and live. Through the Otter Tail Corporation and Otter Tail Power Company Foundations we support community programs for education, health and human services, community, civic and cultural development as well as for the environment.

It is the responsibility of every Otter Tail Corporation director, officer, and employee to comply with this Human Rights Policy. Additionally, we expect the same from our suppliers, vendors, and contractors. The Board has delegated oversight of this Human Rights Policy and compliance with it to the Corporate Governance Committee. Management will report to the Corporate Governance Committee any updates on issues related to human rights impacting Otter Tail Corporation such as health and safety, diversity, equity, and inclusion as any other salient human rights assessments. Management is responsible for implementing systems and practices to ensure our Human Rights Policy is upheld.

Otter Tail Corporation also maintains a helpline to report any potential grievance or concerns. Any employee, supplier or community member may report potential violations of this policy by text, email, or call. Grievances can be anonymous. To contact the Helpline:

Otter Tail Corporation Helpline
Phone: (800) 461-9330
SMS/Text: (218) 394-7272
Website Portal:
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (toll-free service)


Human Rights Policy
Otter Tail Corporation